GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes

Presentation: "From Agility to Stability"

Track: Cool Companies II / Time: Thursday 15:50 - 16:40 / Location: Annum 1

How to close the software development loop from Dev to Prod

At the first glance agile development and stability in production under heavy load seem to be contradictive. Especially operations sees agile as chaotic and uncontrollable at best therefore continuous development or delivery stops at the gates of production.
Business demands new services developed round the clock and operations demands stable and controllable applications. How can we get those opposites to attract?
Devops is a buzzword which combines the two at least in theory but what is needed to really make it happen.
This session will give an overview over the challenges and a possible solution combining methodology and the right APM (Application Performance Management) tools. Both things you will need for modern, highly distributed application which are developed in an agile way.

Rainer Schuppe, Technologist at AppDynamics

Rainer Schuppe

Biography: Rainer Schuppe

Rainer Schuppe, Technologist at AppDynamics, is a technical expert for our customers and partners in Central and Eastern Europe. He has mastered the art of selection and implementation of APM (Application Performance Management) systems for distributed Java applications in production, training and acute performance analysis. Rainer has over 14 years of experience conquering Java application servers, with experience with Wily Technology, dynaTrace and codecentric AG.

Twitter: @AppDynamics